FEB 2011 
We knew it was coming, but until now we didn’t know when. Over the Christmas break, Channel Ten finally released their iPhone app to the general public.
The app, which went live on January 3 but was promised late last year, boasts features including an in-app television guide and the ability to receive push notifications for upcoming programs.
From the iTunes app description:
The new TEN iPhone app offers you a full free-to-air and subscription TV Guide where you can set reminders for your favourite TV shows. The app features Twitter and Facebook integration and you can also watch full episodes of TEN TV shows!
View pics, download wallpapers and find out all about your favourite cast members as well as watching exclusive behind the scenes video.
The application currently has a five star rating by users who’ve downloaded the app. Of note is the ability to watch “full episodes” feature of the app – we could only get 5 to play, and they’re specially edited for the iPhone.
If you’re keen to get your hands on the Channel Ten iPhone app, it’s free in the App Store right now.